Cortijo de Suerte Alta

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El Cortijo de Suerte Alta is a family property located on the right bank of the Guadajoz River, near the town of Albendín, in Baena, Córdoba, Andalusia, Spain. In 1924, the Marquises of Bedmar transformed the estate into an olive grove, using traditional trees such as picudos, hojiblancos and picuales. In 1986, Manuel Heredia Halcón, Marquis of Prado and grandson of the original owners, took over Suerte Alta. The planting of olive trees with one-foot trees was completed, adopting organic farming practices since 1996 and beginning the transformation into irrigation. The farm, which covers 255 hectares, dedicates 80% to traditional olive groves, with an average annual production of 250,000 kg of oil. In 2006, a new oil mill was built on the property to close the production cycle and produce an exclusive Extra Virgin oil, from the tree to the bottle.